The Periodical is a customizable subscription service that aims to change the way we experience our period holistically, making it celebratory, inclusive of all people with periods, while promoting safer products for our bodies and the planet.
Each month, our users receive a gift box with their preferred period supplies, other comforting remedies, as well as information about and samples of alternative, sustainable period wellness products.
“Best package ever! I was so thankful because I had just run out of supplies. I hate going to the store for tampons. The little black bag is perfect too!”
Camila, 27, Los Angeles
“The box was fun, like a little gift. I liked it because it matched my personality. I want more”
Zoa, 15, Brooklyn
With The Periodical app, users can set their period supply preferences and set it to arrive monthly, right on time. Each gift box includes a new alternative and sustainable period product, healthier for your body and the planet. All packaging is 100% recyclable.
The Periodical is a prototype created by Olivia Cueva in Spring 2017. It was presented at ITP Thesis week in May 2017.
Olivia Cueva presents The Periodical as a part of ITP Thesis Week 2017.